Tournament Scoring
For all IBO sanctioned shooting events, the targets shall have scoring as follows:
- An 11″ ring consisting of a circle centered within the 10 ring. The circle size should be approximately 25% of the size of the 10 ring.
- A 10 ring consisting of a circle inside the vital area.
- A Vital area (8 ring) that roughly approximates the heart, lung, and liver area of the appropriate animal.
- The remainder of the animal shall be considered a “body” except as set out in Paragraph 5 below.
- An arrow embedded in the hoof or horn of an animal, not touching body color, is considered a miss and is scored as a zero. Targets with legs of a different color than the main body will still be considered as body color for scoring.
- Some targets have material surrounding the actual outline of a target animal. This additional material will NOT be counted for score.
- Scores will be tabulated as follows:
- 11 points – 11 ring or “X” ring centered inside the 10 ring
- 10 points – 10 ring or heart
- 8 points – Vital
- 5 points – Body
- 0 points – Miss or arrow not touching body color.
- If more than one scoring area is visible on a target, either scoring area can be used unless otherwise noted at the shooting stake.
- An arrow touching the line marking the edge of a greater scoring area shall be given the higher score.
- Arrows must stick in the target in order to receive a score other than a zero with the exception of a pass through, robin hood, or bounce back as set out in paragraphs (e) (f) and (g) below.
- An arrow that passes through a target may be scored if witnessed and agreed upon by the majority of archers in the group. A pass-through is an arrow passing completely through the target with material 360 degrees around the arrow, leaving a separate entrance and exit hole. If the pass through was witnessed by a member of the group other than the shooter, and the group cannot agree, the archer may re-shoot the target before the group advances to score the target.
- An arrow embedded into the nock end of an arrow embedded in the target shall be scored the same as the arrow embedded into the target. An arrow that hits another arrow — with the arrow being struck showing visible damage – that does not stick in the target shall be given the score of the arrow that was struck. The majority of the group must agree that:
- a particular arrow was struck, and that striking the arrow prevented the arrow from sticking in the target, or the arrow shall be scored as a miss.
- A bounce back is an arrow that squarely strikes the target and bounces back toward the shooter. An arrow that glances off the target is not considered a bounce back. A bounce back may be scored if the score can be agreed upon by the majority of archers in the group. If a member of the group other than the archer witnesses the bounce back and the group cannot agree, the archer may re-shoot the target before the group advances to score the target.
- An arrow released or dropped accidentally will be scored a zero unless the archer is able to retrieve it while touching the stake and re-shoot it within that archer’s two minute period.
- Any arrow intentionally shot into the ground or any object other than the target shall be considered an act of un-sportsmanlike conduct and the arrow scored a zero.
- Scorecards will be available at the entrance to each range. Shooters will pick up the official colored scorecard for that day, along with one white scorecard, at the beginning of each round. The properly completed official colored scorecard must be turned in by the group within fifteen minutes of completion of competition, and prior to leaving the range to receive credit for that day’s competition.
- All information on the scorecard must be accurate with all information completely and properly filled in. Information blocks left blank, incomplete, or reflecting incorrect information will result in a deduction of ten (10) points from their score.
- If the number of 12 & 14 Ring is left blank it will be scored as zero (“0”.)
- No changes may be made to the official score card after the scorekeeper and shooter have signed the scorecard. If a shooter changes his scorecard after it has been signed by the scorekeeper, the shooter will receive a score of zero (“0”) for that tournament (and toward Shooter of the Year rankings if applicable) and will be brought before the ASA Competition Committee for further action.
- Each group will designate two (2) members of their group as “Scorers” and two (2) as “Scorekeepers.” If a group has only three (3) shooters, one (1) will act as Scorer with the two (2) Scorekeepers alternating as the second Scorer.
- Scorers will judge and score each arrow and call out the results to be recorded on the respective shooter’s scorecard by each Scorekeeper. (See Scoring Rule “C”).
- Each scorekeeper will maintain one (1) scorecard for each shooter and be responsible for recording each arrow. A scorekeeper may not keep his or her own colored “official” card, but may maintain their own white “shooter’s copy” scorecard. Scorekeepers will record the total score and total number of 12 & 14 Rings at the end of the round.
- Both completed scorecards must be reviewed and signed as correct by the Scorekeeper and the shooter. Any shooter serving as a scorekeeper must turn in the scored and signed “official” scorecard of the other scorekeeper. Any shooter turning in an “official” card on which they are both the shooter and scorekeeper will receive a score of zero (“0”) for that day, as well as toward qualification for the ASA World Championship Classic and Shooter of the Year rankings.
- The Scorekeepers for each shooting group must turn in the official scorecards for the group together except when a shooter is permitted to make-up targets due to an equipment failure, or other approved leave. Shooters assume full responsibility for the accuracy of the information and scores on their cards. Any group that does not turn in their scorecards together before leaving the range will receive a score of zero (“0”) for that day, as well as toward qualification for the ASA World Championship Classic and Shooter of the Year rankings, if applicable.
- All arrows must remain in the target until all arrows are scored. The arrow shaft must be touching any portion of the next highest scoring line to be scored for the higher value. The status of any doubtful arrows must be determined before drawing any arrow from the target and arrows may not be removed until a judgment has been made. If both Scorers are in agreement, the score will stand. Should the Scorers be unable to reach an agreement, the Scorekeepers will alternate the responsibility of making the final determination before any arrows are removed. Groups will be responsible for calling their own arrows. ASA Range Officials will not make arrow calls except when a group has only two (2) shooters, or during special competitions, shoot-offs, etc.
- In the event of a Pass Through: (1) Arrows passing through the front of, but still in, the target will be pushed back and scored, (2) If the group agrees and confirms that the arrow actually passed through and was not still in the target due to the high number of arrows that had been shot at the target, the range official is to be notified and the shooter will be allowed to take the score where the “pass-through” occurred as determined by the group up to a maximum score of 10 points (a score of 12 or 14 points will not be permitted under this rule), (3) If the group agrees and confirms that an arrow passed through at the target’s “Insert Seam” the shooter will be given a score based on the point of pass through not to exceed eight (8).
- Any arrow embedded (“Robin Hood”) in the nock of another arrow will be scored the same as the arrow it is embedded in.
- Any arrow rebounded (a “Robin Hood” that strikes and damages another arrow and does not proceed toward the target, but bounces back) will be scored the same as the arrow it struck, provided the damaged arrow can be identified.
- Any arrow deflected by contact with another arrow already in the target and still proceeding toward the target will be scored as the greater of: (1) where it lies in the target, or (2) a maximum of five (5) points if it is not in the target.
- Arrows in the corresponding area of the target will be scored with point values of 5, 8, 10, 12 or 14 as shown in the diagram as follows. Each target will have two (2) 12-rings, but only one will be scored each day as specified by the Tournament Director. Knowing the correct 12-ring for that day’s competition is the responsibility of the shooter prior to beginning the round.